ACTIVE CATS ARE HAPPIER CATS Natural athletes, cats tend to keep moving. In any case, you should take steps to prevent your cats from escaping your home and roaming around – especially if they’re male. You’ll worry till your stomach turns as they get into trouble with other cats in the neighborhood. HUNT WITH YOUR CAT Besides being natural hunters, cats are also curious creatures. They will want to go outside if you don’t stimulate them the same way. You can do this by hiding their favorite treats so they have to search for them. You can also use toys that move to exercise your kitty’s hunting instincts. YOUR CAT NEEDS A COMPANION Indoor cats are happier when they have another companion to play with. It is especially important if you cannot be at home all day with your cats. You can easily accomplish this by adopting another cat from a shelter.. You can also arrange playdates with other cat owners if you are not able to take care of another cat right now. A cat companion is a sure way to make them happy. BRING THE OUTDOORS INSIDE… You probably know that cats love to climb if you have one. They might climb on every piece of furniture in the house. They also like to climb trees to sit and hunt. By nurturing this instinct, you can make your cat happy. Cat trees are a wonderful way to do so. It’s easy to buy one or make your own. Additionally, you can install cat shelves in all the rooms of the house or in your cat’s favorite rooms so they can exercise and climb as long as they want. SHOW THEM LOVE When it comes down to it, this simple step is the best way to keep your cat happy. Cats need attention from their owners, and they crave it when it isn’t there. They’re just more subtle about it than dogs are. Make sure your cat gets attention every day. Regularly pet your cat. Snuggle up with your cat and spend some time together. Play with your cat and keep it active, and don’t just rely on toys. You can keep your cat happy and delighted all the time by loving it!